| 1. | Analysis of risks in administrative decision - making 行政决策的风险特性分析 |
| 2. | On modernization of the administrative decision - making system 试论行政决策体制的现代化 |
| 3. | On completing china ' s administrative decision - making system 我国行政决策体制完善之我见 |
| 4. | Multi factors in administrative decision - making in present china 当代中国行政决策的多重要素 |
| 5. | On the participation of students in administrative decision - making 试论大学参与行政决策咨询 |
| 6. | On citizen participation in process of administrative decision - making in china 论我国行政决策中的公民参与 |
| 7. | On establishing on effective system of improving administrative decision - making with chinese characteristics 建构具有中国特色的行政决策优化的有效机制 |
| 8. | The administrative decision - making is the central link of government service , and the basis for all work 行政决策是政府工作的中心环节,是政府各项工作的基础。 |
| 9. | In modern society , administrative decision - making consultation syste m is more and more reflecting its 在现代社会发展中,行政咨询系统在社会生活中越来越体现出它的重要性和蓬勃发展的趋势。 |
| 10. | Adapting to internationalization , transforming the administrative ideas in colleges , reconstructing administrative decision - making pattern 应对教育国际化转变高校内部管理理念重构管理决策模式 |